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Thread: Social fight for life

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Social fight for life

    Vax's v Anti Vax's
    Pro lockdown v Anti Lockdown
    Astra or Not Astra

    Well worth the war when theres nothing else to do... Yawn

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2012
    I suspect this ends badly, if not before it begins

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bremsstrahlung View Post
    I suspect this ends badly, if not before it begins
    Was hoping not

  4. #4
    This is easily the worst thread in the history of existence.

    Please don't.

    If this whole episode has taught us anything its that no one knows anything, and everyone is the worst person in the world.

    Encouraging them to all come together and discuss it here should only be seen as a positive if you've somehow managed to rig a device to their computers that incinerates them the millisecond they post their nonsense.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    No - not here. I'm with the GoP.

    Plenty of chats on Twitbook.
    Only one bloke on this foz constantly makes me laugh Plague and it ain't you - MFKS

  6. #6
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    cases dropping in Hunter. I think we are a slight chance for this season

  7. #7
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    Like children hiding under the blanket, nothing about the most important thing going on at the moment. Good thread Jim, stuff the nerds.
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    This is easily the worst thread in the history of existence.

    Please don't.

    If this whole episode has taught us anything its that no one knows anything, and everyone is the worst person in the world.

    Encouraging them to all come together and discuss it here should only be seen as a positive if you've somehow managed to rig a device to their computers that incinerates them the millisecond they post their nonsense.
    Your just a spineless ghost. No one wants to hear your drivel. Get the real Plague back not this Woke turd.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by finzee View Post
    Your just a spineless ghost. No one wants to hear your drivel. Get the real Plague back not this Woke turd.
    If I could bring the member and the plague back for threads like this I would.
    Sadly you get a cover band...and a tired one at that.

    Also, you're.

    Not Plague.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    If I could bring the member and the plague back for threads like this I would.
    Sadly you get a cover band...and a tired one at that.

    Also, you're.

    Not Plague.
    Get out you Woke jerk

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by djjones View Post
    Get out you Woke jerk
    This is a terrible insult and I appreciate it greatly.

  12. #12
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2012
    You can't vaccinate against stupidity, you are born with it. This is obvious at 11am every day
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    You can't vaccinate against stupidity, you are born with it. This is obvious at 11am every day
    Don’t need to wait til 11am. NPL Youth and SAP threads are always available to view

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    You can't vaccinate against stupidity, you are born with it. This is obvious at 11am every day
    Dumbest parts of all of it, in no particular order.

    Premiers thinking giving the peasants an extra 5km here, or 5 friends here, or an hour exercise here, is some sort of 'reward'.

    Morons who somehow think that these small gestures are the difference between PEACE IN OUR TIME and OH NO THE VIRUS GONNA KILL US ALL.

    Morons who go out of their way on social media to say "oh thank you premier for keeping us safe". They are ALWAYS the same type of person.

    Moron PR managers etc who clearly pay for, and coerce people to go on social media and say "oh thank you premier for keeping us safe". How low of an opinion must you have of yourself to get up each day with MAKE SHITKHUNT POLITICIAN LOOK PALATABLE TO AT LEAST 51% OF THE PEOPLE the focus of your existence. These assholes have no pride. Embarrassing.

    Ive probably missed some for now feel free to add.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Do what you need to do. get on with it as quick as possible.
    Don wannabe at home anymore.

  16. #16
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    we stay locked

  17. #17
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  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bremsstrahlung View Post
    Don’t need to wait til 11am. NPL Youth and SAP threads are always available to view
    look who's trying to kick it off

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    boredom buster

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    This is easily the worst thread in the history of existence.
    Please don't. If this whole episode has taught us anything its that no one knows anything, and everyone is the worst person in the world.
    Encouraging them to all come together and discuss it here should only be seen as a positive if you've somehow managed to rig a device to their computers that incinerates them the millisecond they post their nonsense.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    I dont want to turn this into 'that thread' but we all need to have a think about things here. You expect a 16yr old volunteer ref or the little old frail Ground Marshall to go round checking everyone's Vax status before kickoff? Let alone some uni student bar staff asking for your papers before getting a drink? Its not manageable. Does the canteen volunteers need to be checked? Do they need to check everyone in the crowds status before serving them a bag of lollies?
    Listen to this hypocritical douche. Plague wants you gone.

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