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Thread: Social fight for life

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Negative Police View Post
    Listen to this hypocritical douche. Plague wants you gone.
    You got me. Obviously I'd had too much Ivermectin that day.
    Anyway, you're up for the stink let's have your thoughts.
    Enjoying the enhanced 5g reception from your tin foil hat?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry View Post
    look who's trying to kick it off
    Struck a nerve did I?

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bremsstrahlung View Post
    Struck a nerve did I?
    Woke douches like you shoot something down because you cant hole a reasonable convo. Back to your BLM hate attacks champ.

    On the real issue. I think we are down for a few weeks tomorrow.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    You got me. Obviously I'd had too much Ivermectin that day.
    Anyway, you're up for the stink let's have your thoughts.
    Enjoying the enhanced 5g reception from your tin foil hat?
    Caught being a dkhead and still tries to dish it with some strawman garbage. GTFO and let the rest chat.
    Last edited by Eastwest; 08-09-2021 at 11:20 PM.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Eastwest View Post
    Caught being a dkhead and still tries to dish it with some strawman garbage. GTFO and let the rest chat.
    Wait, so you're legit seriously pushing back against someone bringing up horse wormer and 5g reception and have to hide to call me a dkhead?

    Ok then.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of cancer View Post
    Wait, so you're legit seriously pushing back against someone bringing up horse wormer and 5g reception and have to hide to call me a dkhead?

    Ok then.
    What horse wormer? what 5G? I dont have any idea what your on about. Its like your fighting against someone from somewhere or this is your life stresser lol.

    Seriously, are you special ed? I think that finishes any discourse.

    Now back to serious disscussion.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eastwest View Post
    Woke douches like you shoot something down because you cant hole a reasonable convo. Back to your BLM hate attacks champ.

    On the real issue. I think we are down for a few weeks tomorrow.
    Lol. My comment was made 2-3 weeks ago when a few people were naming 13 year olds on a public forum and spreading Covid misinformation which is something Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets also find unacceptable.
    70% of the conversation in those threads is sensible, rational, and constructive. The other 30% is dickwaving, whinging and borderline defamation of clubs, coaches, players and others on a public forum behind the veil of anonymity. (If you wouldn’t say it on Facebook wth your name attached, it’s probably not suitable for here).

    But sure, go call people names at the drop of a hat and blame them for not being able to “hole” a conversation.
    I’d be thrilled to know exactly what you want to discuss

  8. #28
    Senior Member Frodo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    Wait, so you're legit seriously pushing back against someone bringing up horse wormer and 5g reception and have to hide to call me a dkhead?

    Ok then.
    Can I just say that the only thing I'm dissapointed by is how calm and rational you are treating these kids Plague-lite. It's just making me miss the other proper shit-show of a thread with "he who shall not be named" being an absolute train wreck and others not knowing how to react, lmao.

    All good tho, carry on with whatever this is. I don't even know who is pro-covid and who isn't anymore. If you need me i'll be hiding in my closet waiting for an official announcement regarding the sacking of a manager somewhere and crying myself to sleep every night.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeterpool View Post
    I do it just for you. My goal in life is to have a quote in someone's signature.

  9. #29
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    If it's going to be so safe after a double vax, why aren't NSW pollies back at work? Test it on the guinea pigs first.
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  10. #30
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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    given there's been reports for this thread and the level of discourse isn't that high, I can't see much point in keeping it open

    unless anyone has any real desire to have a discussion thread, I'm going to close and delete this later today

  11. #31
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    That would be like banning the Member for idiocy when idiocy is still rampant
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    That would be like banning the Member for idiocy when idiocy is still rampant
    Personally thought that anyone falling for the Members idiocy should have also been banned for idiocy.

    Also, I feel the anti vaxxers are getting a disproportionate amount of attention. The numbers are saying we are getting jabbed as fast as we can get the vaccines. Should we even be acknowledging these people?

    We seem to have made a decent enough go of things like whooping cough where assholes won't get jabbed to think covid can exist in our world with covid but not be something we eternally live in fear of.

    Also also, the govt better sort out these work place laws real quick or the lawyers will be lathering themselves up ready to go at anyone from any angle.

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eastwest View Post
    What horse wormer? what 5G? I dont have any idea what your on about. Its like your fighting against someone from somewhere or this is your life stresser lol.

    Seriously, are you special ed? I think that finishes any discourse.

    Now back to serious disscussion.
    Ignore the trolls!

    After today's info any competition would seem to be over. Time for cricket soon

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Plague View Post
    Personally thought that anyone falling for the Members idiocy should have also been banned for idiocy.

    Also, I feel the anti vaxxers are getting a disproportionate amount of attention. The numbers are saying we are getting jabbed as fast as we can get the vaccines. Should we even be acknowledging these people?

    We seem to have made a decent enough go of things like whooping cough where assholes won't get jabbed to think covid can exist in our world with covid but not be something we eternally live in fear of.

    Also also, the govt better sort out these work place laws real quick or the lawyers will be lathering themselves up ready to go at anyone from any angle.
    I don't think anyone with half a brain listens to anti vaxers, they don't even like soap!!
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  15. #35
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    spewin, lockdown sux man. A vaxx will do for the time being to lower acute illness but it isnt the answer.

    Wheres our magic pill lol

  16. #36
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    1000's of people at the beaches. Lockdown becoming a joke.
    Quote Originally Posted by Newysports2.0 View Post
    The name is obviously a pisstake if you can’t tell
    Quote Originally Posted by Jardelsimage View Post
    the pisstake is on, who would call themselves after a pedo.....

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim View Post
    1000's of people at the beaches. Lockdown becoming a joke.
    Living life - good on 'em.
    Only one bloke on this foz constantly makes me laugh Plague and it ain't you - MFKS

  18. #38
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    England on Tuesday
    80% Vaccination
    26628 cases
    185 deaths
    Health system about to collapse
    This is the model the hag is following
    Quote Originally Posted by pv4 View Post
    You are easily the worst person on this forum. Srs.

  19. #39
    космонавт-исследователь boz-monaut's Avatar
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    Gladys is going 10% better by opening up at 70%

    also, the Hamilton South ghetto outbreak (and most others springing up in the region) are a cluster amongst user of very hard drugs

    a lot of these are being admitted to hospital as they're not going to isolate or give a shit about anyone else's health

    so these folk are now under 24 hour guarded hospital supervision - going through withdrawals

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by My2BobsWorth View Post
    England on Tuesday
    80% Vaccination
    26628 cases
    185 deaths
    Health system about to collapse
    This is the model the hag is following

    Youre saying the vaccine is useless?

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