I’d say just basics but in a fun way. Not sure how young they can be to grasp the concepts.
And people have already mentioned some good avenues to go down to get resources.
Hardest this is probably keeping their attention.

Team races - dribbling straight line to a point and back. Right foot only. Left foot only. Dribbling diagonally through cones/poles if they can get that. Kids think they are just racing, but actually learning skills.

Basics - how to kick. No toe pokes. Might be a bit too advanced for 5s idk. Put them in a circle. With a cone in the middle - with a ball on top. Get them to aim and try and hit the ball off the cone. Can be developed to increase distance, or some skills before they aim for the ball Eg 2 juggles (maybe for older groups), 5 sole taps, dribble around the outside of circle and blow a whistle and they have to aim for the ball.

Do the parents a favour and tire them out.

Praise. Always.

Think 4-6 is probably too soon for space awareness. As much as we wish it wasn’t a swarm for kids chasing a ball around, it’s always gonna be that way at that age.

Basically, fun and basics. Make them look forward to training and game day.