For Militia
Proudly sponsored by Tooheys New_ FOR THE LOVE OF KALE

Got up Saturday 31st May at 4:00am. Slept really well
Feel rather well considering yesterday’s ordeal.Not much activity in Montevideo at this hour of the day and not wanting to deal with the pissed riff raff decided to stay in until it got light
Spent the morning until 7am posting the previous posts playing with the new camera. Searching for something I seem to have lost and taking care of normal daily needs
Let’s get on to the bidet toilet situation. I eyed the thing suspiciously the night before as I have never seen one before. I knew what it was and its purpose was and was not looking forward to it.

In South America if you were not aware they do not flush toilet paper as the plumbing pipe work is not up to it. You throw the toilet paper in a bin next to the shitter and use a bidet to finish the cleaning process

Feeling the need to take the morning constitution went and familiarised myself with the bidet.

Turned it on. Water struck me fair in the face.
Next go stood further back and this time hit the ceiling.

Fiddled about and got the required pressure.
Anyway dump completed and arse hole poised over the bidet for cleaning. Didn’t aim up well and straight over the front of my shirt and chin
Finally got the job done and straight in the shower
From now on it is shit and straight to the shower to save ****ing time

Anyway strolled down to breakfast
Interesting concepts they have here a hell of a lot of pastries cakes etc.

Most of the meat is cured and a little spicy.

Toast ham and eggs a croissant like thing loaded with sugar!!!and some juice and I was set to go.

Headed back upstairs grabbed bag and hit the road to explore.

Decided map wasn’t needed and went for a stroll along the Rambler which is the roadway that runs along the Rio Plate waterfront in Montevideo.
First thing I noticed on my stroll was the footpaths here are a ****ing nightmare. Uneven broken missing pieces etc
Obviously no one sues when they break their legs here because if they did this place would be an Ambulance Chasing Lawyers wet dream

Rather odd that there are very few shops or businesses along the water front. I walked about 10km into town and barely seen any shops

Rather odd that they also allowed so much housing estate developments close to the water front. Jeff McCloy out to check this place out once he has finished bulldozing the Newy CBD

Spotted a stadium belonging to Defensor FC a local club. Deviated off my course for a gander. Place was closed so only got a look from outside
One of other thing about this place is there are nearly as many dogs as people. FMD I must have seen more dogs today than I have in the rest of my life

After 3hours strolling along the waterfront I had arrived at the Port area of town. Decided to turn back and retrace my steps. Now I am estimating it was 10km but it was definitely more Anyway I still had to retrace my steps. By 2pm I made it back to hotel.

See you don’t need maps. Had little ****ing idea where I was most of the day but made it back

Decided after my stroll to have a nap. What should have been 90mins turned in to 4hours when I ignored my alarm and rolled over. **** you jetlag

Anyway got up when to the local café and picked up a light snack for dinner.
Whilst there noticed in the paper headlines that Uruguay had played at the Centenario overnight. ****ing pissed as it is only a few kms from here and would have loved to take a game in there

A bit of research indicates they have another game just after I leave Uruguay
Bit of research also indicates Argentina play at their infamous ground Monumental v Trinidad and Tobago when I am in town

Anyway quiet night in tonight. Got the idiot box going straight to the Football channel

Going to hit the sights tomorrow. Going on one of those open topped bus tours. Hopefully be a bit better adjusted to the time zone