Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
It's difficult enough to gain sponsorship / corporate interest in a first tier national competition in Australia - for a 2nd tier competition it's going to be near impossible.
I think short term a 2nd division team in a big city will get some backing if they look capable of breaking into the 1st tier. But ultimately, I think those outside of the big cities will be too much of a risk for potential sponsors - which will ultimately make opportunities to move up a division difficult.
The weaker teams in the top tier will also struggle to get sponsorship as well. But with a 2nd tier to fall into they become an even higher risk prospect to backers / investors[sic]. That being the case, I can see the bottom of the 1st tier teams being more cash starved than they are now.
At best 2nd tier teams will ultimately be relying on first tier teams to fail for them to enter the top tier - and I can see the same teams going back and forth assuming they don't simply fold from investing too much in a lost cause.
The only ones to benefit will be the big city teams until of course the entire comp becomes a complete joke and nobody wants to watch it - much like the NSL.

I honestly can't see the A-league lasting another 15 years.
15yrs is a stretch. These gooses at FFA have run the game into the ground that badly and put them selves and there pay packets before the best interests of the game it won't take that long. On just about every KPI the game has gone backwards and made it less attractive than at any stage for corporate interest. Less interest = less $$$$$ means dying League.

In no other walk of professional life would the likes of Gallop and Wilson kept there gig delivering season after season of declining rubbish. Every new season soon turns into groundhog day with mismanagement and game outcomes determined by incompetent and even worse unaccountable numpties.