Quote Originally Posted by boz-monaut View Post
yes there's a few minor issues like that going on - they'll get sorted out as time goes on

but on the plus side, MFKS isn't back
Quote Originally Posted by boz-monaut View Post
yes there's a few minor issues like that going on - they'll get sorted out as time goes on

but on the plus side, MFKS isn't back
This appears to be an issue. Whenever I hit Post, I get an error saying I can't post more than once every 30 seconds... so it is somehow trying to post everything twice. Maybe as Overlord boz, you can post as often as you like hence this double post?

Can load up forum on my phone but any thread spits out an error, doesn't load.

Everything loads fine in Chrome but all have errors at the top.

Warning: Illegal string offset 'name' in [path]/includes/functions.php on line 6988

Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at [path]/includes/class_core.php:5615) in [path]/includes/facebook/facebook.php on line 37