Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
That is ****ing hilarious

In the real world whenever a government gets involved in running industries costs go up because governments bring bureaucracy in and nothing gets done without increased costs

You are trying to now claim that this won't happen here


As for the current health spend that is reasonably able to be estimated

That estimate of Bernies is just that a ****ing guess

Because no one knows how much it will cost

You open up Medicare for all and there be much more costs than can ever be estimated just like every other government policy or initiative that comes in well over budget

The fact that Bernie doesn't really know the answered on it says plenty
The US is the only developed nation that doesn't have Universal Healthcare. Everyone else seems to manage it with much lower percentage of GDP costs for health than what the US is currently spending. And the US system is also crippling it's population with debt. It takes a special type of stupid to think that a system that works everywhere else in the world can't work there.

Just admit that all you really want is for poor people to suffer. Cause yet again, you don't seem to bring many facts to these discussions, just regurgitation of the fear-mongering that Murdoch is feeding you. The Bernie numbers have been backed up by 2 major independent studies, and I haven't seen any that disprove their numbers as yet. By all means, find them and being them here for discussion.