Quote Originally Posted by Bremsstrahlung View Post
Do you guys all shout oezil a party for finally pissing off?
FMD that was a long contract.

On behalf of everyone else, sure Luiz doesn’t deserve another contract......? Please?
Not long, just expensive and Emery/Arteta couldn't work how to utilise his skills. If Ozil was in our squad right now we wouldn't be in the position we are on the table, but that is saying very little about Ozil cause we stink right now.

But, he should have been a lesson in not offering ridiculous contracts to aging stars. It's a lesson we didn't learn when we then gave Auba and Willian their retirement packages and let them setup shop in our first team offering absolutely nothing in attack this year. Terrible pieces of business again it looks like.

Between those deals, Cedric Soares, Luiz's extension last season and not selling a few players we had offers for so that we could afford Auour, Edu needs to be sacked almost immediately. Get someone with their head screwed on to start work on the January window before it gets any worse and we make anymore poor decisions.