If you look at some of the successful clubs this year such as Central Coast, Adelaide and Sydney they are all producing and developing juniors that end up playing A League.
We all talk about the Jets not producing players, apart from Archie Goodwin of late. But how is the youth team supposed to supply players for the A League when they are in the 3rd tier of NPL?

All the other NSW teams have a side in the top NSW NPL, but our side is in the third tier. It's a massive advantage for the other 4 teams. I guess we all hope they will be up there in 2 to 4 years but there is no guarantees.

Given how well Sydney FC's youth team has performed in the NSW NPL. Should we not try and get 3 to 4 of their players and put in our senior squad? Look I'm all for getting local players but that might be 2 years off given where they are currently playing. I'm also for promoting the top Jets kids like Angus Muddle and Ben Van Dorssen.

But I think instead of possibly signing other fringe A League players it might be worth signing 3 to 4 Sydney fc youth players, give them 2 year contracts and see how that goes. After all their youth team beat Apia 4-0 the other night who were the competition leaders. We need to try something