Just hit the July transfer window in 2027.

- The Swedish GK pushed his way into the starting spot midway through the first half of the season and my Korean was still highly valued so managed to cash in on him with Braga forking out £750k on a 34yo. Tidy business. Have no decent back up with all my youth prospects being pretty shit, but at least I don't take up a foreign spot in the squad for either of them.
- Right back gun is still a gun. Sold the Canadian guy when a club in Iceland offered £110k. Either sided Norwegian is still an excellent back up but hasn't had a sniff at a starting spot on left or right.
- Left side I decided to splash some of my transfer kitty. Swedish youth international was at Milan. I declared interest, put in a miserly bid, got rejected. Unsettled him. Went and watched a few games. Got my youth GK to tell him how good he would be for the club. Handed in a transfer request, got him for only £7m, significantly less than Milan were asking. Suckers. He's gone on to get two caps so far and is close to my best overall player.
- Korean and Danish DC's still at club with neither being bid on. I picked up a French centre back from the 2nd Division in France and he has turned out to be an absolute steal. Brandon Soppy... 17 years old IRL, plays for the French U17 squad and is apparently a target for Wolves. Wish he was Swedish as he takes up a spot just like they do but was a great bargain and is pushing for a starting spot too. Managed to cash in on a bunch of the not so good back ups. The Serb went to Rosenborg for £250k, one of the Swedes went to Portugal for £275k and the other dropped to the Dutch second division for £30k. I replaced them with Soppy (£105k) and a highly rated 17yo Swede from Helsingborg for £650k.
- I've kind of moved on from playing a DM as my squad is strong enough top to bottom to walk the league... but my Macedonian Swede has dropped down to second choice behind the French regen if I ever need to play that way in Europe. I picked up a 91 scouted DM from Zurich for £850k and he is going to end up as HGN in a few years and can play MC if needed. He's off to FC Thun on loan so hopefully come back much improved.
- Right wing was my Brazil Swedish regen, still tearing shit up. Averaging 7.58, 6 goals, 5 assists in 19 games... and then Shenzen came in and offered him lots and lots of money. Sold for £6m up front, £1.5m over 12 months and 50% of any future fee. They are paying him £61k a week so I was never going to compete with that. I have a ready made replacement in a French regen winger/striker that I got in on loan on deadline day earlier in the year and he now frees up a striking spot. I also picked up an Albanian Swedish regen from Osters IF for £200k. He'd just turned 17, so hoping he can grow a little and provide an option on the right.
- Auochiche is bossing the league. Averaging 8.01, he's the guy that makes the entire squad tick. Playing him now as a creative mid alongside Victor Dawa who is the engine as box to box. The Macedonian backs them both up and Brazilian sits behind them in the pecking order again because of the Fgn squad rules.
- Serbian left winger still plays ahead of my other Serbian left winger. Also picked up a youth Swedish winger from a lower division club - IF Brommapojkarna - and he looks my brightest HGN prospect by far.
- Up front was all sorted. French Regen and Aussie Regen. Right and Left combo. And then Bordeaux came in with a big offer and he demanded to speak to them. £5m up front, £2.5m over 3 years and 30% of next fee. Board was ecstatic, fans were devastated... so I went and found the best South American prospect, a 97 rated striker, and lumped £11.75m on him. Except I didn't factor in that he wasn't 18 yet, so he only JUST arrived in the July window. I picked up the French winger/striker on loan as a bit of a deadline day desperation and signed the highest rated free transfer Swedish striker available. All of this whilst completely forgetting that the young Egyptian and South African kids would soon be getting their HGN status as well. The Argie hero from a few seasons was never close to even fifth choice so he left for a low fee but 50% of next fee clause. And all of this was not enough to placate my board who put in a "sigh high profile players" requirement that I completely missed.

I've picked up a versatile Swedish MC/ST as well but the real big signing of January, apart from the Brazilian striker, is a Swedish real life youth international, Jack Lahne. In game, he turned out pretty amazing but the French side he was with got relegated, so I snapped him up on a very cheap £3.6m. The Brazilian is labelled the NEXT RONALDO and Lahne is considered a "national hero", so I've managed to meet the high profile requirement without meaning to. I have a crazy abundance of strikers but Aussie will be off with Borussia, Guanzhou, Rangers and Roma all lumping £7.5m + 50% for his services, so he will go to one of them. Swedish hero and Ronaldo up front seems like a pretty decent replacement.

I had a solid performance with Singapore at the Asian Cup. Beat Kuwait (2-0) and Syria (3-0) and held Australia to only a 2-1 victory, enough to see me through. Destroyed North Korea 6-0 but Iran was far too strong for me, knocking me out 3-1 in the QF. They beat Australia in the SF and went on to beat South Korea in the final. Would have thought only SF would be enough to see Gertjan Verbeek get the flick but he still has the job which I was hoping to take. Didn't matter though as I was shortly after poached by Colombia, world #10. I haven't had a competitive fixture yet but have taken care of Morocco (8-0) and South Korea (7-2) so far. Some good tests coming up against Spain and Holland in the September international break.