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Thread: 2020 Premier Club SAP

  1. #401
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    none of the outfield players want to be keeper and the keeper doesnt want to play outfield.
    I’d be really surprised if those kids in goal all the time don’t have occasional desires to play outfield. No 8/9 year old wants to play in goal the whole time, particularly when the kids in front of them are good and they have nothing to do in 75% of the games they play in.

    I’m 100% behind all kids in SAP do the same training drills etc, but if the team is just going to play them in goal, what’s the point? If you want them to play in goal all the time train them for it. You say the kids are doing outside additional goalkeeper training - so, the parents are essentially paying double. Their kid has to play in goal every week, but the club don’t train them specifically. It just doesn’t make sense.

  2. #402
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    I’d be really surprised if those kids in goal all the time don’t have occasional desires to play outfield. No 8/9 year old wants to play in goal the whole time, particularly when the kids in front of them are good and they have nothing to do in 75% of the games they play in.

    I’m 100% behind all kids in SAP do the same training drills etc, but if the team is just going to play them in goal, what’s the point? If you want them to play in goal all the time train them for it. You say the kids are doing outside additional goalkeeper training - so, the parents are essentially paying double. Their kid has to play in goal every week, but the club don’t train them specifically. It just doesn’t make sense.
    With Jaffa’s SAP, like their NPL youth, the goalkeepers do an extra nights training at the clubs expense (apparently everyone pays a little extra in fees for the goalie training).

    Can’t remember who the goalie trainers are though.

  3. #403
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegon View Post
    With Jaffa’s SAP, like their NPL youth, the goalkeepers do an extra nights training at the clubs expense (apparently everyone pays a little extra in fees for the goalie training).
    Rightly so. I’m not a fan of 8/9 year olds playing in goal all the time, but if they want to/have to then regular, specific training is a must. Throwing a few balls at them every now and then at training, or just before a game, isn’t enough if you expect them to play in such a unique position every single game.

  4. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague;230***
    How did the kids/parents go with this?
    Because one of Plague Jnrs mates was in a team with no set keeper and there were plenty of parents not at all happy they were paying for their kid to be in goals.

    To be fair they were unaware of this before the season started and I've been told a keeper has been picked for their team next year.
    We were all fine with it mate, the kids all got fair game time in all positions on the field.
    I remember some games kids begging the coach the go in goals and some not so keen 😂
    What I’ve noticed is most kids make their choice before they hit 13s and some go in goals because they can’t get picked on the field but are really good in goals so they take that role on.
    Or sometimes you have that one kid that just loves being in goals from a very young age, but they are rare.

  5. #405
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    Speaking as a parent of a full time goal keeper albeit she is 11 so a little older then the age bracket you are discussing. I can tell you as much as she loves playing in goals there is always the desire to play half a game every so often on the field. And generally half a game here or there is just enough to keep her happy..

    Her club this coming season trains 3 nights a week and one night she will be doing goal keeper training at no extra cost ( outside the rego I’m sure it’s included in there somewhere)

    I think it’s important to encourage those kids with a desire to play in goals and give them every opportunity to do so, but also continue their development on the park as they could easily comeback next season and say I don’t want to do that anymore.

  6. #406
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    Quote Originally Posted by onlooker View Post
    Speaking as a parent of a full time goal keeper albeit she is 11 so a little older then the age bracket you are discussing. I can tell you as much as she loves playing in goals there is always the desire to play half a game every so often on the field. And generally half a game here or there is just enough to keep her happy..

    Her club this coming season trains 3 nights a week and one night she will be doing goal keeper training at no extra cost ( outside the rego I’m sure it’s included in there somewhere)

    I think it’s important to encourage those kids with a desire to play in goals and give them every opportunity to do so, but also continue their development on the park as they could easily comeback next season and say I don’t want to do that anymore.
    100% agree with this. Great there is dedicated training as well.

    I think the one half in goal idea is a happy compromise, even at U9, U10 etc. If a kid is keen to play as a keeper let them do one half a week in goal and the other out on the pitch. It means they spend most of the time in goal but also get to develop their outfield skills as well. Other kids will have to spend a half in goal every once in a while, but most kids this age would be happy enough with that.

  7. #407
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    West Wallsend looking for SAP coaches for next season, with the intention of fielding teams in 9-11 years.

  8. #408
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by londonboy View Post
    West Wallsend looking for SAP coaches for next season, with the intention of fielding teams in 9-11 years.
    Hopefully they manage to get squads. They've left it very late though.

  9. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegon View Post
    Hopefully they manage to get squads. They've left it very late though.
    Yes, I agree. That said, I heard that most U9 SAP trials were well attended, so there’s probably still a few keen kids out there who haven’t got a spot yet. U10 and U11 might be more difficult with both SAP and NET teams likely to have selected the better kids already.

  10. #410
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    Richard Heartly left Jaffa’s and now back at Jaffa’s 🤔
    Sneddo must have re opened the cheque book 👀

  11. #411
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    Does he still run NET as per his position with NF?

  12. #412
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim View Post
    Does he still run NET as per his position with NF?
    Yea. He doubled up on the job last year as well as being SAP TD for Jaffas & Olympic. Not being involved with Olympic again next year I heard.

    And Magic have got a new SAP TD as well I heard. Don’t no who.

  13. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim View Post
    Does he still run NET as per his position with NF?
    Scrap what I just said - RH has resigned from NF. Gonna be JAFFAS Head of Football only. Oversee all junior and youth.

    Big loss for NF.

  14. #414
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    Yeah he resigned. Must be big coin on offer to do that and leave his post at NF after being involved for so long.
    Magic have 2 TDs now, one for SAP and one for NPL.

  15. #415
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaa Yaa View Post
    Yeah he resigned. Must be big coin on offer to do that and leave his post at NF after being involved for so long.
    Magic have 2 TDs now, one for SAP and one for NPL.
    I think the two TD's (or similiar) are essential. Lots of clubs are establishing a SAP coordinator or SAP TD due to the extra administration, co-ordination and specified training the younger kids require.

    Also, Yaa Yaa and Yew Yew, both from Magic, way too confusing, it took me too long to realise there were 2 separate accounts.....

    With regards to NF initiatives like NET, holiday programs, Specialised training squads, etc. I am only assuming but I think RH would have to step away and the new NF TD would have to take over. Part of RH's justification for leaving Jaffas & Olympic was that he didn't have enough time to focus on NF programs and be the SAP TD for both clubs. Seeing that he is now in a position with Jaffas with more responsibility than just SAP, I can't see how he could manage those programs as well.

    I personally think it's a great outcome for Jaffas, as polarising a figure as he can be, his emphasis on development and the players that have emerged under his guidance are hard to dispute.

  16. #416
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aegon View Post

    Yaa Yaa and Yew Yew, both from Magic, way too confusing, it took me too long to realise there were 2 separate accounts.....
    Nothing to do with Magic me. One kid at Edgy, another West Wallsend and two in between clubs! I know people around the scene though. People like to chat.

  17. #417
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    Quote Originally Posted by YewYew View Post
    Nothing to do with Magic me. One kid at Edgy, another West Wallsend and two in between clubs! I know people around the scene though. People like to chat.
    Apologies, I thought you had reference Magic previously.

  18. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by YewYew View Post
    Nothing to do with Magic me. One kid at Edgy, another West Wallsend and two in between clubs! I know people around the scene though. People like to chat.
    Yeah it is confusing sorry.
    Just reference to my mate from the Gunners Ozil 🤣

  19. #419
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    wait? did that summer SAP comp out at the facility get cancelled?
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    And I don't argue with FR. The bloke is a legend and deserves great praise for his contributions to football in the Hunter.
    He is also the second best poster on the entire Foz behind you
    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    sometimes there's more to life than just winning
    Quote Originally Posted by ForeverRed View Post
    What a deadset ****ing coward **** you are
    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Seems like I am WRONG

  20. #420
    Moderator Aegon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    wait? did that summer SAP comp out at the facility get cancelled?
    No idea, did any SAP teams actually join? I don't think there was much incentive to.

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