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Thread: 16/17 HAL Round 17 | Newcastle Jets v Melbourne City | Fri 27th Jan 2017 7:50pm

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by plague View Post
    Hows Matt Thompson being all chummy with that gypo **** Heffernan on the telly.

    Thompson is the biggest discrace to ever buy a Jets shirt.

    **** Matt Thompson.
    **** Middleby.
    and **** Flume.
    They both been playing and coaching at Maitland in the NPL

  2. #82
    Senior Member lquiquer's Avatar
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    I shall admit Hoffman was solid tonight...
    Dare to Zlatan

    Originally Posted by Grimario

    He won't make that mistake at Newcastle since our team is full of number 2's.

  3. #83
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    They both been playing and coaching at Maitland in the NPL
    I've just forwarded this to President Trump. At least he now knows where to land the first nuke.

  4. #84
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    We're gunna win the league

  5. #85
    Senior Member StannyCFCJET's Avatar
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    What does Jones see in Sawyer that he didnt see in Kokko, bloke has no pace looked buggered after 10 mins and I couldnt tell what position he was playing cause he was walking in different areas everytime i saw him
    Quote Originally Posted by lquiquer View Post
    Welcome to the circus ... And I can't argue any of your points... In contention for best first post of the year... ��

    Quote Originally Posted by parksey View Post
    love at first sight

  6. #86
    Senior Member Hunter403's Avatar
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    Gotta love "Crazy Eyes" Nabbout

  7. #87
    Senior Member seldom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
    The effort by all our players tonight to win the ball was very impressive all over the park.
    Melb City look a much better team without Cahill who is probably the most overpaid player in professional sport. He doesn't produce on the park and he's hardly drawing in big crowds either.
    For the $4m or what ever it is they are paying him they could do a lot better in other areas like defence.
    For us I thought Nabbout, Hoole, and Messi were good as well as Jackson and Boogs.
    Mate you mustn't have stayed for his Pressers after their wins. Apparently Fornaroli only looks good because of his presence. Bloke's turned me off him big time. The Anthony Mundine of Football. Refs seem to like him tho.
    I hope he likes prison food.......and penis

  8. #88
    Senior Member Hunter403's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StannyCFCJET View Post
    What does Jones see in Sawyer that he didnt see in Kokko, bloke has no pace looked buggered after 10 mins and I couldnt tell what position he was playing cause he was walking in different areas everytime i saw him
    Younger and cheaper.

  9. #89
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    fk me, 3pts at fortress Coffs. well done.

  10. #90
    Senior Member Retro Jet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StannyCFCJET View Post
    What does Jones see in Sawyer that he didnt see in Kokko, bloke has no pace looked buggered after 10 mins and I couldnt tell what position he was playing cause he was walking in different areas everytime i saw him
    Slow as a wet week and honkin' on the ball. Might have been the deer in headlights factor though.
    Also, wonder if he's gonna get the Peter Crouch tag?
    If he scores headers and pulls dreadlocks...

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFKS View Post
    Maybe it is you that needs to open your eyes.

    If he actually positioned himself well he would gain possession of the ball more.
    Then we get more ball
    Then we threaten the opposition more
    Then our defence ain't under the pump so much

    It all just flows from the central midfield actually getting control of the game in a much better manner than we are currently doing

    But no you think Poljak needs praise for running around all day chasing the ****ing ball when if he done his job in the first place he doesn't chase it so much

    If we want a headless chook who runs all day sign Rhyan Grant and play him in a CM
    Same result as Poljak and Grant has better engines
    You're off ya head. Which isn't news to anybody. Poljak won tackle after tackle. His composure this year has really come of age and has been one of the best at playing out from the back. When he plays shit please bag him out but give the guy a break he did so much work last night.
    You mentioned during the Perth game the other week when Castro was tearing up out wide he should be there. Then also in the mids. He did exactly this tonight. Him and uga was the second men in to help out wide. Plus they screened Brattan and Kilkenny really well. They were everywhere but in your opinion they are headless chooks..

    Genuine question. Have you ever pulled on a set of boots and played the game at competitive level??? Please I'd really like to know.

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wilso8948 View Post
    You're off ya head. Which isn't news to anybody. Poljak won tackle after tackle. His composure this year has really come of age and has been one of the best at playing out from the back. When he plays shit please bag him out but give the guy a break he did so much work last night.
    You mentioned during the Perth game the other week when Castro was tearing up out wide he should be there. Then also in the mids. He did exactly this tonight. Him and uga was the second men in to help out wide. Plus they screened Brattan and Kilkenny really well. They were everywhere but in your opinion they are headless chooks..

    Genuine question. Have you ever pulled on a set of boots and played the game at competitive level??? Please I'd really like to know.
    Yes I have played football for what is now an NPL club

    So how much control of that game do you think we actually had??

    Sure as shit we parked the bus and hit on the counter and had a lot of success at doing it.
    We scored 2 but we butchered 3
    Chinese Messi Chip shot to Nordstrand's head

    That 3 we clear as day murdered

    Lets not forget however many we butchered as we ****ed ourselves up in the lead up due to our players being well shit

    We should have had another half dozen chances in that game easy if our Central Midfield actually had any degree of control in the midfield area.

    Hey I not asking to dominate the midfield battle but I talking about improving our level of control and influence in this area of the park.

    The reason I say this is because every single time we won the ball and got a couple of passes away we were away. Brattan and Kilkenny were almost ineffective in their roles in defence

    This is where our midfield needs to be dramatically improving

    Getting a greater degree of control in this part of the pitch will see us more successful at both ends of the park

    You can fap on all you like about running and tackling and all that shit. But you are overlooking the main issue here.

    If Poljak were good enough in the centre of park in the first place he ain't doing anywhere near as much running and tackling as Poljak has to do.

    He runs all day and tackles all day because he offers very little else.

    Don't let that confuse you and make you think that makes him good at his role

    As for your comments on passing out from the back. Did we play out from the back last night?? NOPE
    The tactic was clear as day to get it forward quickly

  13. #93
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    Really don't know what you are babbling on about. As if sides haven't worked out that City cannot actually play it beyond the final man.

    For all their possession and grafting, they achieved what? A penalty?

    They will provide excuses about travel etc but that squad they had out there was filled with expensive players.

    Who cares if we didn't play out from the back like we have done on most occasions this season and just recently?

    I love the fact we took a pragmatic view to to game rather than just playing a 'style' of football. Soak up the pressure, hit them hard with our lightning counters. When did counter attack football become a bad thing? We all expect to be Barcelona now?

    Poljak and Ugarkovic were immense. They covered a lot of ground last night and provided a platform for the victory.

    In all of the "controlling" Melbourne city did in the game, Newcastle had the 5 best chances of the game. If we tried to "control" the game it would have given city too much time to get men back behind the ball.

    Make clear chances, convert a fair percentage of them and that is how you win football games.

    Jones had a clear vision, made his team believe in it and they succeeded. They were not the inferior team, but the superior team who executed a game plan to near on perfection.

    Well done jets, and poljak!

  14. #94
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    I lost count of how many times Poljak and Ugarkovic stole the ball from a Melb City player last night to break down an attack.

  15. #95
    infant member plague's Avatar
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    Members got a point.
    I don't think he's explaining it very well though.
    Luckily I speak 'Member' so I get ya homie.

  16. #96
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    We won ffs.

    Anyone else at the Stade de Banana? Thoughts....was a bit of a dogs breakfast really. Active support was a flat bit of roped off grass with a sign. Good atmos though.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by seldom View Post
    Mate you mustn't have stayed for his Pressers after their wins. Apparently Fornaroli only looks good because of his presence. Bloke's turned me off him big time. The Anthony Mundine of Football. Refs seem to like him tho.
    After the game Timmeh walked out to something akin to Beatlemania.

    Bruno walked out and nobody took any notice of him while he stood watching the mayhem. After a few minuted some kids went and asked for a photo.

  18. #98
    brutally rapes small, cute dogs parksey's Avatar
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    Can we play there every week?
    Quote Originally Posted by snake View Post
    bridges made the world in 6-8 wks

    he then rested by the corner flag and all was gud
    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Stubbins
    Hopefully it’s the four players, but, if not, the three, and if not, the two.
    Quote Originally Posted by Maito Mitch View Post
    Do you ever get bored of sprouting the same old crap? You're about as predictable as the punishment on the field we sit through once a week

  19. #99
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    Memba what you're saying is that if poljak is any good he doesn't lose the ball and have to run and tackle etc. so you're forgetting the bunch of other players out there losing it as well that he has to cover? You're expecting him to play like Xavi in a team full of half tards.
    You listed a bunch of chances.. all of which were created from winning the ball and moving well in transition. All of these chances broke down in the final third and all weren't converted due to poor finishing.. what else do you want him to do with that?
    You mentioned we should have more chances then go on to mention that we murdered 3 clear cut opportunities? Wtf.
    You're shooting yourself in the foot.
    I'm not saying he's the long term saviour in that DM role but it's what we have now and he's doing a decent job. Give him credit. He was immense last night.
    Do I think we need more quality in our mids? Of course! You always want better players. But to say he was shit last night is obsured. Other then bradnans header when else were they totally threatening?
    I'm not disagreeing with you when you say we need to improve the quality of our squad but I am totally disagreeing with you when you say he was poor last night

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by StannyCFCJET View Post
    What does Jones see in Sawyer that he didnt see in Kokko, bloke has no pace looked buggered after 10 mins and I couldnt tell what position he was playing cause he was walking in different areas everytime i saw him

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