Quote Originally Posted by The Dunster View Post
You think I'm stating a preference - but I'm not.

I can't come to grips with a lot of the Scando heavy metal stuff - but totally recognise it as innovative and progressive.

The shit I'm ripping into is derivative.
oh well then thats when we get into a whole 'nuther discussion about what we believe 'good' music to be.
i can appreciate the technical side to it, but the emotive side always draws me in more. and by emotive im only equating it to my reaction. it either hits me or it doesnt.

i got taught by a very technical guitarist and he swore by the old school shred gods. but man oh man it just never gripped me the way it did him.
i admired the skill level no doubt, but some broke ass punk band could bust out 4 rusty cords, or Eddie Vedder and a 5 string telecaster could starting strumming away and id feel way more connected to it.

then we get into whether electronic music is actually music, or whether John Williams is the greatest pop musician in the history of the universe.

i always looked at my guitar teacher the way i looked at paintings. id stare at a picasso and he'd be all like "that guys head isnt even on straight".

dude was/is a legend, we got on well. but we were two different cats thats fo sure.